Friends, alumni and

past collaborators

A.J. Rubineau, MD MPH  

A.J. Rubineau on LinkedIn | Work profile

A.J. Rubineau is a family physician with interests in public health and health administration. She is the Medical Director at Montreal-based La Clinique BACA, which supports individuals aged thirteen and over suffering from an eating disorder. Her medical practice has consistently focused on providing compassionate, patient-centered care to at-risk populations.  Over the years, she developed additional expertise within Family Medicine on topics including healthy eating /eating disorders, sexual health, adolescent health, as well as vulnerable populations, including sexual minorities, incarcerated people, and individuals with substance use disorders.

Before joining the team at BACA in 2017, she served for seven years as the Medical Lead for the Cornell Healthy Eating Program (CHEP) at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. She is an American Family Medicine physician, holding active medical licenses from the Collège des Médecins du Québec since 2015, and from the state of New York since 2007. She earned her Medical Doctorate in Family Medicine from the Yale School of Medicine, and completed her Family Medicine Residency at Brown University. In addition to her MD, she earned a BS in Psychology from MIT and a Masters in Public Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a trained doula and received certification in Medical Acupuncture from Harvard Medical School. Each of these pursuits has informed her practice, and has enabled me to approach every patient as a whole person above all. At Clinique BACA, her goal is to support each person on their individual recovery journey toward healing, and wholeness. 

Dr. Diego Mastroianni  

Diego on Google Scholar | LinkedIn

Diego graduated from McGill University in 2016 with a PhD in Management Information Systems. Before that, he was a computer engineer with more than six years of professional experience in information systems, including three with Moody’s Analytics, a major software publisher in the field of risk management. In 2014 he re-joined Moody’s and worked in a variety of roles, including Director of Software Implementation and Senior Services Strategist. Since 2021, Diego heads the 'Standards and Tools Advanced Research Labs' and oversees the complex ecosystem of tools used across the organization for collaboration, software development and others. Diego holds a double M.Sc. from Politecnico di Torino (Italy) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) in Computer Engineering. 

You can find Diego's interview with TRaCE McGill, a university-wide project that tracks the career outcomes and pathways of McGill PhD alumni who graduated between 2008 and 2018.

Prof. Emmanuelle Vaast


Emma on Google Scholar | Twitter  | University profile

Emmanuelle is Associate Professor of Information Systems (IS) at the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University. Her research examines how social practices emerge and change with the implementation and use of new technologies and how these new practices are associated with organizational dynamics. She has in particular investigated the learning processes taking place at different levels (communities and networks of practice, for instance) and the boundary spanning involved in these dynamics when new Information Systems get implemented and used. Emmanuelle has become fascinated by the new practices and social and societal changes associated with social media such as blogs and microblogs. Some of the themes she has especially been interested in deal with the emergence of new organizational forms and with new dynamics associated with organizational and occupational identification.

Emmanuelle’s research so far has been qualitative, relying upon case-based evidence analyzed from an interpretive perspective. She has however become increasingly in the opportunities and challenges of combining qualitative and quantitative analysis of electronically-collected data.

Dr. Jan-Kees Schakel  


Jan on Google Scholar | LinkedIn | University profile

His website: 

Jan-Kees is a Visiting Fellow at the KIN research group at the VU University, researcher and program manager at the Dutch Police, and Founder-director of SensingClues. His area of research is collaboration among geographically dispersed people and organizations. His particular interest is in practices which such people develop to coordinate their activities while the unfolding situation presents challenges which are unique. That is, where standard organizational routines are no longer sufficient, while the participating individuals may not have worked together before. 

Jan-Kees earned a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in International Management of Land, Water and Environment from the Larenstein University of Professional Education; an M.Sc. in Business Information Systems from the University of Amsterdam; and a Ph.D. from the University of Amsterdam (2013). Combining these educational strands, his research and work concentrate on cross-boundary collaboration. More specifically, he studies the management of information, knowledge and expertise in (anticipation of) emergency and other fast-response situations. In his research he mostly takes a qualitative and interventionist approach. In his work, he combines internet of things-technologies with heuristic (big) data analytics and self-organizing networks of practice to combat wildlife crime.

Prof. Mahmood Zargar


Mahmood on Google Scholar | LinkedIn | Twitter 

Mahmood is an Assistant Professor at the Knowledge, Information and Innovation Research Group, School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. He has a background in Strategic Management and Organization Studies, and holds a PhD in Management from Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University. His research focuses on distributed collaboration and cumulative innovation under community forms. His work explores the sui generis aspects that give open source communities their generative thrust and innovative capacity. Besides studying online communities, Mahmood is interested in the sociomateriality of the digital artefacts. Outside academia Mahmood is an avid photographer.

Prof. Peter Nugus  


Peter on LinkedIn | ResearchGate | University profile

Peter (MA Hons, MEd, PhD) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and the Institute of Health Sciences Education at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Peter is also Acting Director of the McGill University Practice-based Research Network (PBRN) (Réseaux de recherche axée sur les pratiques de première ligne-RRAPPL). Drawing on a background in Political Science, Philosophy, Adult Education and Sociology, Peter’s published ethnographic and participatory research in emergency departments and various hospital and community settings across six countries, and teaching, has focused on workplace and organizational learning, care coordination, culture and identity in complex organizations, and translation and mobilization of knowledge across knowledge producers and users. Peter held a Fulbright post-doctoral scholarship at the University of California Los Angeles and an Australian government Endeavour post-doctoral scholarship at Columbia University, and was a postdoc at the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research (NIVEL). Peter has publications in leading journals, such as the British Medical Journal, Social Science & Medicine and Sociology of Health & Illness. He has more than 250 peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations, supported by grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ).

Prof. Sri Kudaravalli


Sri on Google Scholar | LinkedIn | University profile

Sri is an Assistant Professor in the Operations Management and Information Technology department at HEC Paris. He received his Ph.D. from the Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland at College Park (2010). His research interests relate to the role of information technology in distributed knowledge work, online communities and social networks. His work has been presented at several conferences where it has been nominated for or won awards, and has been published in the top journals of Information Systems. Prior to joining academia, he was a consultant for various organizations for nearly a decade.

Lauren Harrison


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Lauren is a fifth-year bioengineering undergraduate student pursuing a management minor at McGill University. As an IMSF fellow, she is exploring the role of emerging technologies within healthcare practices using data analytics and qualitative coding techniques. Lauren has completed multiple internships in robotics, bioinformatics, and tissue engineering, allowing her to hone her software development skills. Beyond academics, she has been involved in fundraising for the Canadian Cancer Society, raising over $200,000, and is the President of the McGill Outdoors Club.

Maëlys Boudier

Maëlys on LinkedIn

Maëlys is a final year data analytics undergraduate student at McGill University. As an IMSF fellow, she developed text analytics solutions using R and Excel to investigate decision making and coordination techniques implemented during COVID-19. She completed an internship in Corporate and Institutional Banking (CIB) strategy producing project reports by collecting and analyzing financial and headcount data using Power BI. As Co-Director of BRIDGE Sustainability Case Competition, Maëlys integrated Accenture as a new corporate sponsor, negotiating terms and conditions of the contract, while ensuring a close relationship with the current sponsor, WSP.